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Product Reviews

Product: Clearlight - Impressionist Symphony
Date: 2014-05-19 

Impressionist Symphony

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 
Review: Impressionist Symphony (Clearlight) 
Impressionist Symphony (Clearlight) 
(2014, Gonzo Multimedia) 
Catch in Impressionism, while artistic school, whether in painting or in classical music and from that build an album was a brilliant idea from the French Cyrille Verdeaux , mentor ofClearlight , mythical collective of prog rock .Based on 8 paintings by Renoir , Monet , Pissarro , Degas , Van Gogh ,Gaugin and Lautrec , Verdeaux build 8 subjects where the magnificence of the arrangements is phenomenal. It is true that the French helped a lot of people are full of class and synthesizers that can almost replace a full orchestra (listen to the performance of the trumpet drawn to your handset Degas de la Marineand confirm it!), but arrangements of these eight themes, and unparalleled successive violin solos, guitars, flute, sax and piano, the way these songs transport us to imaginary scenes of any film, the way some classical passages are - here and there - introduced, all this is simply majestic and genial. Briefly, it will be said that contemporary music, classical, symphonic, the jazz , the prog rock , naturalism and eastern joined to create an impressionistic symphony, but also truly impressive. And sublime! 
1. Renoir In Color 
2. Time Is Monet 
3. Pissarro King 
April. Degas Marine 
5. Van Gogh 3rd Ear 
6. Gauguin In The Other 
7. Lautrec Too Loose 
8. Monet Time duet 
Cyrille Verdeaux - piano, keyboards, synthesizers 
Steve hillage - Guitarras 
Didier Malherbe - saxofone 
Paul Sears – bateria 
Craig Fry – violino 
Linda Cushman - under 
Tim Blake – theremin, sintetizadores 
Vincent Thomas-Penny – guitarras 
Neil Bettencourt – bateria 
Don Falcone – tubular bells 
Christophe Kovax - sintetizadores 
Remy Tran - Synthesizers 

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